I have really had enough of the disappointment individuals throw at you. It is a damn shame. I suppose it is because I have this high standard that I hold people to, and that people want to be separated from others, but I don't do that. Friends get offended when I group them together, but yet I see them as the same. I suppose that is a flaw that I have but it comes back to the point of being tired of disappointment. I wish people would take more responsibility of what comes out their mouth and what they contract themselves to do for others. I think that if that type of action is done in most cases things would be better. We will see though, we will see.
I Love You, But God Loves You More!
It's so much easier to do so, but everyone shouldn't be placed in the same box. When you are taught to honor your commitments and/or be an upstanding person, you'll do that--or at least recognize when you don't and attempt to make amends. I used to be a big procrastinator, and a total flake. But one day, me and my best friend were talking, and he commented on my flakiness. Even though I knew it was true, I was offended--it hurt coming from someone else. From that point on, I've made it a point to not commit to anything that I don't have sincere intentions of doing, and actually get places on time. Except for work. But everywhere else lol. In general, people are shitty. However, everyone is not shitty.