Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Feelings aren't Facts!!


Many times, I have sat in on conversations and discussions that have gotten heated, and anger has been displayed.  In one of these recent conversations in which I had the wonderful displeasure to be in ear shot of, I made a comment.  The nature of the comment was interrogative in nature and was exactly what I was thinking.  I asked a question about the actions of people. I should have kept my mouth shut. 

The ringleader of the dialog decided to ask me a question out of being offended by my question. I responded to the matter stating that the question asked to me is of a personal nature. That is my answer.  The ringleader decided to make the deathly mistake of answering the question for me because I “implied” something with the question I asked. Those that know me well have a good idea of how I speak, and I don’t have to imply a damn thing.  I am an adult; I will tell you how I feel and have that great talent of delivering messages clearly and communicate effectively.  Fuck that implication shit!

I reckon this person wanted me to argue about the “implication” that was taken from my question.  I simply stated when the silly ringleader decided to push back on my answer that, “feelings are not facts”. When I said that, I guess feelings got hurt and then the other party wanted to argue. I wasn’t taking that feeling bait and I left the chat.

I have learned the hard way that feelings don’t mean a thing and do not create a stronger argument.  There are those who feel that if they get the last word that they are correct.  NAW.  Then there are those individuals that feel that if they elevate the volume of their voice then their claim is law. NAW. Then there are those that have degrees in arguing and that they will twist, turn, and transmogrify any word you retort to try to gain an advantage and be right. NAW. Some of you know where I am going with this.  Others of you might be a person that has attempted one of those antics. Judgment from me? Read above…I don’t imply. However, it is okay. I am here to help.

The post-modernistic nature of this world is to have long and drawn-out banter of who is right and who is wrong.   There are television shows, podcasts, plenary sessions, church services, court cases, social media posts, Tik Tok videos, magazines, books, etc., to challenge the right vs. wrong phenomena. Some people use evidence and others don’t.  Some go to search engines and retrieve as many sources of information (reliable or otherwise) to bolster their claim.

Isn’t this the nature of life? Hold on…then the nature of right and wrong is challenged by life experiences, religious views, editorials, books, podcasts, scientific experiments, superstitions, etc. It’s too damn much! I would like to submit a new option to get through those right vs. wrong conversations.


  1. Why the right vs. wrong conversations should be avoided.
  2. My opinion will not change until evidence rebukes my claim.  Leave it alone.
  3. Their opinion will not change until evidence rebukes their claim. Leave it alone.
  4.  Many folks feel right in their own eyes and vice versa. Does it really matter? Leave it alone.
  5.  Many will learn their plight through experiences that change their sense of right and wrong.  So why waste time trying to do something that will eventually happen? Leave it alone.
  6. Facts change, truth changes…evidence doesn’t.  Evidence speaks for itself. Leave it alone.
  7. Oh, in case you might have missed it… Leave it alone!

Peace... I Love You But God Loves You More!




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