I will say that I spent most of my weekend at home and crying. I will not lie that my mind has been racing since I read the depositions of the surgeons that worked on my mother. I will say that it is a mess...but I am not too concerned because I am confident of the result being in my favor. As I have said before I have looked in the eyes of many people and seen them for what and who they truly are. I am a good judge of character and I feel that God has put that in me...heck someone has put this quality in me. Those surgeons...well God bless them but I am sure that the are haunted by the questions of what they did wrong and what they could have done to save my mom's life. I can't think of or about what they are dealing with..that is their own cross to bear and for them to discuss with God.
I know that I have been chosen by God to go through the hard things. I am not saying I have had it the hardest but I find it cool that God is like...Hey, Clint can deal with this and I will see him through...he is that tough. I have made Clint that way. I have made him understand that his reaction should not be typical. I have made him to understand that he should hold still and wait on his God to see him through. JUST WAIT ON GOD CLINT!
I suppose that is why I have the patience that I do. I have high expectations and a high level of patience...and people may not see that, but I do. So I will promote to you, that if you are "going through it" sit back and have another reaction. One that is not so common but one that makes sense...that is not emotional...one that is thought out and then just WAIT!
Even though someone is sweating and out of breath does not mean they won the race. Sometimes the race is won by those who have no sweat on their brow and are breathing easy!
I Love You, But God Loves You More!
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