I enjoy caressing all parts of a lady. I can start from any part whether it is her hair or her thighs from her toes to the nape of her neck. I enjoy her smell and her touch. I enjoy her softness and her curves. There is one thing that I do ponder about. It has to be a myth concerning the size of a woman’s booty. I am not sure what the obsession that men and women have concerning the size and shape booty happens to be, but it is quite alarming.
I proudly acknowledge that I am a thigh and leg guy! I love nice looking thighs and some sexy legs on a lady, and I am not sure why booty is so significant. I am under the belief (and from experience) that thighs add the cushion and the durability of lady’s participation in scrupulous sexual positions. I suppose that booty is more for the eye candy aspect rather than something that is essential for both men and women. I have dated ladies with different sizes and curvatures to their butt. So I have the following questions:
• What does the booty have to do with the attractiveness of a woman?
• Does a big butt equal better sex?
• Does a big butt enhance sex?
• If a woman has a butt that is not as round or obtuse, is her sexual abilities and attractiveness automatically downgraded?
• Where did this fixation concerning butt size originate?
• Does booty size affect how “her” sex feels?
• If a woman does not have that large of a butt, can her sex then trump a woman who does have one?
What say you?
I Love You, But God Loves You More!
WEll... Mr. Harris, as usual you have presented an interesting topic. I have a big butt and I don't know what it feels like to not have one but I highly doubt the size has anything to do the intesity of sex. As for the abilities... that depends on the person, cause you can have a big but and be a dead lay! lol...
ReplyDeleteThe one thing I do know ....a big but is an immediate attention grabber! (Even if you are not looking for it) I love my curvy body and I do consider my but an asset. However, I kinda get annoyed when a guy is more excited about my but then ME as a person. [turn off]
I can't speak to the fixation... that is probably something to ask a person that is into that.
Signed, Big Booty Judy aka Mikz :)
to jump right to the point, and spare no time in conversing over anatomy that i am growing fonder of day by day... i offer you this >>
ReplyDelete• What does the booty have to do with the attractiveness of a woman? ~~plenty
• Where did this fixation concerning butt size originate? ~~~origin of species
Ass has been the one thing that man, better yet pretty much all male species, has fought over since time immemorial. The basic foundation of mating rituals and instinct dictates that the male is without reason drawn to the lower orifice. Throughout mammal evolution most reproduction has seen VAST success through a sexual position that is so commonly used even today, doggy style... More Over, it is because of this that primate attractiveness can be assigned a qualitative value over the shape and size of the rear of a female. even in modern research of primates. Even more so, Intelligent design supports many claims of why Sir Mix-A-Lot prefers booty...
• If a woman has a butt that is not as round or obtuse, is her sexual abilities and attractiveness automatically downgraded?
this is not necessarily true, however does hold some water based on preference of who you ask... if anything a woman's attractiveness is affected and not her sexual ability.
• Does a big butt equal better sex? no
• Does a big butt enhance sex? ....
• Does booty size affect how “her” sex feels?...
• If a woman does not have that large of a butt, can her sex then trump a woman who does have one?....
these four questions all fall into the same real of " it's mental. " which is to say that, and most people know this, while nothing trumps experience...physical attributes of your partner play a key role in how you perceive the sex and how tuned in you are to getting the most out of being intimate.... its all about how much you focus on that aspect of sex... for instance if you are a grabber, and there is plenty to hold on to, you might like that. if you are a power thruster and there isn't much "cushion fo da pushin" then you may want to rethink your approach. but you you are the type that likes to be as deep as possible and close to your parnter then a smaller onion booty may be best...
to be honest...
ladies: work with what ya got, and just know that yours is better
fellas: learn to cook, if you want that bubble
I dont need a big butt.I wouldnt say my butt is big.Its a ok size.I have nice legs in thighs so I work them.I dont need a big butt.I get men sitting down.They like my pretty smile,and face.I believe,its rare to find the whole package.Normally if the women has a big butt shes ugly something else is wrong with her,no breast,skinny legs,or missin a tooth.lol..Or nasty personality which outways the both butt or no butt. My input..Jamilla Muse Watkins