I noticed your fine brown frame walk past me as I was sipping my Long Beach Iced Tea…
I will admit that you did caught my eyes again from across the room but I didn't want to stare…I know how rude that is…
But I saw the way that the glass that contained your Mohito…reminded me of me…sweating in front of you as you were about to kiss the straw for a tantalizing taste
The kissed seemed like an instantaneous lifetime when I watched you...after I licked my lips from the essence of my beverage
Was it your purpose to do to me what you did…
I truly don't want you to choke...or even disturb your pallet from its comfortable status of cool
It's not my purpose to have that affect on you
I honestly didn't know that Issaey Miyake was your favorite fragrance on a man…
But tell me how did you know that DKNY Be Delicious was my aromatic aphrodisiac... especially on you?
It wasn't my intention to craft your panties to look like the shammy from the car wash on Richmond Highway.
When was the last time your panties were that wet?...soaked?…super saturated?
The last time was probably when you did your laundry…but I am sure it isn't water that has made them as soaked and as wet as they are now!
It wasn't my intention-on to have on a shirt that was open slightly to show a peek of my chest…(and a little hair too)
I didn't know you enjoyed that…but then again I was just taking a sip of my Long Beach Iced Tea from across the room.
I assure you that it wasn't done maliciously...really it wasn't… to have to wonder what was in my mind when I caught that peek of you… and these several peeks thereafter
Tell me...
Did you ponder about my intellect…could I please you with my mind…could the dendrites in your brain exhale from a man that can…and definitely will…challenge your thoughts…and yearn for your tongue to contort and speak…
ears itching to listen to sweet sounds of knowledge…from an educated black man…(we are in abundance sistas?)
I wonder how many college courses did you grace with your opinions and sense…
What do your co-workers say about you and the way you smile even when someone gets on your damn nerves… as you say sweetly and lightly under your breath…I wish a muthafucka would!...or…I'm about to take of my stilettos and shoe whip a bitch!
I also wonder about you as you take another sip…
your body moving and swaying in a syncopated motion to the music
making me rise and want to explode inside of you…
Did you think about the way I held my glass as I sipped my Long Beach Iced Tea?...Did you mentally take a measurement of my hand…Did you try to look at the length and width of my fingers…would it fit tightly inside of your…"glove"…
Would it provide for you the satisfaction
Imagining the way I held the glass would be the way I would hold your ass when you would sit on my lap?
Did you consider whether or not my arms were comparable in dimension, to the length of me...would it be able to penetrate deep inside of you to the point that every movement up and down…in and out would… touch your sexual faucet ever so slowly and make your juices, your pleasure…your purity rain on my wand?
Damn I wish I could be the straw in your Mohito right now…(imma leave that alone…but you get my drift)
Sexiness in all aspects is what I can say about you...the curve of your shoulders…the glisten in your gloss (keep it poppin')…the curves of your breasts…the definition of your ankles…smoothness of your thighs…the streaks of color in your hair…the taste from your oven…your olive garden…your natural elixir…
It was un-intention-on to make your nipples harder than Vector Calculus…as I purposely took a long sip of my drink…and lick my lips...looking at you hoping if you knew that I could taste you in my drink…or so I wished to…
I yearned to take you into my shower and indulge in the flavor that dripped off of your body…I needed you to melt slightly…behold you flavor…I begging and urging you to cream…tasting your cum all over me…
It wasn't my intention to look at a goddess of your caliber at the same time I was sipping a Long Beach Iced Tea…but I did
You have to believe me...un-intention-on!
I Love You, But God Love's You More!
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