This is not the only situation in which I have been the only male of color in the room. I have in my programs at Brookhaven, at events with other scientists, heck even in the other meetings at meetings that I facilitate...I am the only male of color. Why does this piss me off? It is because there should be...notice I said should be diversity in all things. I am not a racist or a sexist, but there should be equality in and for all.
So we have a half black male president of the United States, and it took over 200 years for there to be one. How long will it be for a woman of any creed? How long will it take for a black woman or a woman of any creed to serve as a judge on the U.S. Supreme Court? They should have female football teams, female football coaches, paternity leave, male contraceptives, and so on.
I may be a dreamer in these things but I don't feel that I am...there are some wonderful lady scientists in fact there is one that I have met in the photo below:
that is Dr. Shirley Jackson standing next to me, who happens to be the first black woman to earn a PhD in Physics from M.I.T. Massachusetts Institute of Technology! I am very proud to have chatted with her and to have this photo taken...yes at a science convention!
What's the deal here? Is diversity too much to ask for in a world in which we are supposed to be color and gender blind? What say you?
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