So this month has not been what I expected it to be, but it was not totally bad. I guess I will use this forum to lay out some stuff and yes I will use names because I have no other alternative but to use them.
I am happy about my San Francisco 49ers and I can't wait to see them play live for 3 weeks in a row! Go 49ERS!!!
I am pretty surprised that I told Tonya how i feel and that I am so calm about it. Grant it she may not feel the same way i about me that I do about her but i am not really concerned as much as I was previously. I will say that I was in this position before with another famous deceased musician's daughter years ago. Who was also born in December and who also treated me the same as Tonya has. I am finding that people do repeat history and it is odd it has happened to me again.
Miss. Staley still owes me the money I have let her borrow. I find it odd that She mentioned it back in July, but still has not gotten back on schedule with the payment. Now it has become a principle thing with me. So she and i are not together and at first I was mad about it but now I am not/ I am glad she dumped me so I can see her true colors. She is not true to her word when she has to sacrifice. She can pay for trips to California, her new home, and her daughter's sweet 16 birthday party, but not for a debt that she promised to pay. How we learn in time and as the old folks say by and by!
The dating life I have to say is cool. I am not really tripping over the prospects but I do find myself being intuitive enough to know when something will work or not. There is a lot of time that ladies want a man to give to them, and yet and still they don't even know what they want. I suppose i shall continue to just chill and let it me. It has been working well when there are no expectations.
I completed the revamp of my cover letter with the help of Michelle (Cotton Candi) and Carita. I am very pleased to have 2 different cover letters that highlight my career in Chemistry and education. I look forward to the job offers that will soon follow. Maybe i will revamp my resume' too.
I am thinking about my surgery again and wonder what I will do when Friday gets here. Maybe I will have to go under the knife again..we will soon see.
I am excited about my trip to San Fran and also to Jamaica. I am just ready to relax and meet some new people. I am going to have fun!
Crawley is learning so much from me and also from the advice i have given her. I am glad about that! She is going to be alright and even better than ever when she gets through her rough time.
I am a little sad that my phone had to be reset. I lost some phone numbers and now have to go back and find them through the website. Oh well I guess it will do me well to do that and also backup my contacts on my SD disk.
This is all for now..but stay tuned...more will be coming!!
I Love You But, God Loves You More!1